Customer Stories

Enhancing Collaboration with Sohonet: A Case Study with Mathematic Studio

Olivia Broadley
Apr 23, 2024
5 min read

We're thrilled to share how Sohonet's cutting-edge solutions have transformed the way Mathematic Studio collaborates on projects worldwide. In a recent case study, Mathematic Studio showcased their integration of Sohonet's services alongside Hammerspace, enabling real-time global collaboration between their creative artists across multiple studios.

The case study walks through how Mathematic worked with Hammerspace to address storage and collaboration needs and why they turned to Sohonet and their suite of collaboration services to support them. Here's a quick recap but check out the full story here:

Sohonet’s Multiport service provided access to the Media Network, the largest private network for film, TV, and advertising industries. This allowed Mathematic to directly connect with thousands of companies including industry giants Disney and Netflix, and hundreds of thousands of storytellers worldwide, facilitating smoother collaboration and data transfer. 

But it didn't stop there. With Sohonet's Multiport, Mathematic gained the flexibility to scale bandwidth capacity as needed, ensuring a seamless workflow management process. Whether it was upgrading to higher bandwidth during intensive projects or scaling back down afterwards, Sohonet's solutions provided the agility Mathematic needed to adapt to varying workloads.

Additionally, Mathematic took advantage of Sohonet's Emmy-winning real-time collaboration platform, ClearView Flex. This platform facilitated remote review and approval sessions, enabling team members and clients to collaborate effectively on projects regardless of their geographical locations.

We're proud to be a part of Mathematic Studio's journey towards enhanced collaboration and creativity. To delve deeper into this exciting case study, read the full story here.

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